martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Why care for animals
Resultado de imagen para animales en peligro de extincion en mexicoViolence is always detestable. More when the victim can not defend himself for different causes, among which the great majority of cases highlights the physical strength of the aggressor. The thing reaches absolute cruelty when the recipient can not express through speech his pain to the world. In that state are the animals.Maltreating any living thing says a lot about a person. Often attempts are made to justify the rapist by viewing him as someone with psychic problems derived from multiple causes, and who does nothing more than reproduce the pain he has suffered or suffers. Other times it is a cultural problem, because it considers normal what you have seen at home or in your environment. Sometimes both factors are given at the same time. But that "continuista" way is not correct ... but fortunately not the only one. This base is not always given, since many abusers come from stable families and have enjoyed normal development. In these cases it is the personality, and not how the precedents are interpreted shaping them in the present, is what they cousin.

Resultado de imagen para animales en peligro de extincion en mexico

Collectively, it seems to me an aberration to justify animal abuse through culture. Why create and perpetuate shows encouraged in violence towards animals? Does that make us specifically great to the world? Not at all. Bulls, "correbous", cockfights, etc., rooted more or less in each society, are but a reflection of much of the West. But these vandal acts are defended with the sad and simple rationing of "is the tradition". Well, fortunately or unfortunately the ways of thinking change: in a specific century a society X worship its gods with bloodshed so that in the next the believers recycle and self-flagellate to obtain divine forgiveness. Or a bloody spectacle such as gladiatorial fights may be the most anticipated during the year and then look for fun going to the theater, for example.

Resultado de imagen para animales en peligro de extincion en mexico
Animal abuse is undoubtedly a harsh and cruel lack of respect for the animal world. They can serve us in many ways, and give them what they really deserve. Admiration, love and respect.


Why we have to talé cowe of fue animals?
R=What ate importante for humans 

What institutuon protects animals?
R=THe PRD, in espetial the humans 

What consequence are there if you do not give enought care to the animals?
R=What the animal aré molest whit the humans 

Ubication Danger of extinction

axolotl:It is in critical danger of extinction by the contamination of the waters in which it lives

Resultado de imagen para axolote Resultado de imagen para norte de oaxaca

Resultado de imagen para durango mapa
   Imperial carpenter:It is considered to be a critically endangered species by IUCN1 and inhabits essentially the temperate and cold forests of Mexico in Durango

Resultado de imagen para pajaro carpintero

Tortoise loggerhead: it is in veracruz, it is in danger of extending bido to the hunting and construction of hotels

Resultado de imagen para tortuga caguama Resultado de imagen para veracruz mapa

Teporingo: is in the valley of Mexico, are in danger of extinction due to afforestation

Resultado de imagen para teporingo            Resultado de imagen para valle de mexico

Mexican wolf: is in Oaxaca, is in danger of extinction by hunting

Resultado de imagen para lobo mexicano            Resultado de imagen para oaxaca

Guacamaya: they are escuentran in danger of extinction due to the hunting and the comersio.Se are in tamaulipas

Resultado de imagen para guacamaya                Resultado de imagen para tamaulipas

Manati: found on the beach, is in danger of extinction by water pollution

Resultado de imagen para manati     Resultado de imagen para manati ubicacion

2 comentarios:

  1. 🤔 raguel your work is copy page from internet 🤥 Regular work

    1. Teacher here I made another blog but with information from the notebook
